Cincinnati Carvers Guild

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The mission of the Guild is to encourage and preserve the art of woodcarving in Southwestern Ohio, its achievements within the community are noteworthy.

Visit Us

Second Wednesday of the month
6:30-8:30pm This is the time we gather and carve any current project you want to continue working. We learn from each other and get to know more about our members. This relaxed space is a great time to carve.

A great time for new carvers to learn and receive instruction.
Carvers' Gathering:
last Wednesday of the month
7:30-8:30pm New and current activities are discussed, and raffle tickets are available.

After a short break for snacks and chats, members show and tell about their latest completed carvings. The next month's carving project is introduced and outlined by the project leader. A great time to see all the carving possibilities our members can create.

Two More Great Carving Groups
in the Greater Cincinnati Area

Miami Valley Woodcarvers Association St Pauls United Church of Christ 114 S Broad St Middletown Ohio

River Valley wood Carvers 5160 Taylor Mill Rd Taylor Mill KY

Interested in Carving New Carver instruction

6:30-8:30pm, second Wednesday of the month. During our carve-in, we welcome new carvers and facilitate new carver instructions.


What's New?

We will have a guest speaker at our July carver gathering. Steve Burelison is a professional carver from Bradford, OH.

You may have seen some of his work at the Middletown show the last two years. He specializes in carving found wood. You can find him on

Instagram as @sburelison, and on Facebook as @spiritoftheforest

more about Steve

Location for all activities: Trinity Lutheran Church, 1553 Kinney Ave Mt Healthy
