Cincinnati Carvers Guild

Membership Application Form

Please Check if this is a ___ New Membership ___ Membership Renewal

Name :_________________________________________________________

Spouse :_________________________________________________________


City :_______________________ State: _____ Zip Code: __________

Phone : (_______) _________________________________________


Birthday:_________________________________________ (year optional)

Prefer newsletter by: (circle one) Paper Mail or Email

CCG Annual Membership Dues are $15.00 per family

Please make checks payable to the Cincinnati Carvers Guild

Payment Type: ___ Cash Enclosed ___ by Check, Check# _____________

Send the form & your check to: Cincinnati Carvers Guild, Mary Dacres, Membership Chairman CCG, 6650 Iris Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45213

or bring this form and your payment to our next General Meeting

Meetings are held at: Trinity Lutheran Church, 7431 Hickman St., Cincinnati, Oh 45231

Thank You for Joining the Cincinnati Carvers Guild!